Kainaat Studios
Dr. Hameed is the founder of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on sharing the joy and wonder of astronomy to Urdu speaking people inside and outside of Pakistan.
He hosts a weekly astronomy video series inUrdu on YouTube and is also producing a ​set of videos for Pakistan's Teleschool, aimed at 5th-8th graders.
Radio & Podcast
Dr. Hameed has a weekly podcast, Mr. Universe, with morning host Monte Belmonte for WRSI FM93.9 in Northampton, Massachusetts.
He also has a monthly segment, Salman's Ridiculously Large and Largely Ridiculous Universe, for the Bill Newman Show on WHMP FM101.5 in Northampton, Massachusetts.
You can also find Kainaati Gup Shup as a podcast in Urdu.

Over the years, Dr. Hameed’s articles and opinion pieces have appeared on news sites like Dawn, The Guardian, Express Tribune, The Friday Times, and NPR.