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Kainaat    Studios

Dr. Hameed is the founder of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on sharing the joy and wonder of astronomy to Urdu speaking people inside and outside of Pakistan.

He hosts a weekly astronomy video series inUrdu on YouTube and is also producing a â€‹set of videos for Pakistan's Teleschool, aimed at 5th-8th graders. 



Radio &    Podcast

Dr. Hameed has a weekly podcast, Mr. Universe, with morning host Monte Belmonte for WRSI FM93.9 in Northampton, Massachusetts.  

He also has a monthly segment, Salman's Ridiculously Large and Largely Ridiculous Universe, for the Bill Newman Show on WHMP FM101.5 in Northampton, Massachusetts. 

You can also find Kainaati Gup Shup as a podcast in Urdu

On Air Sign



Over the years, Dr. Hameed’s articles and opinion pieces have appeared on news sites like Dawn, The Guardian, Express Tribune, The Friday Times, and NPR.


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